Of healing words

Sneha Devaskar This poem was written when I was totally broken in life. Escape seemed like the only option. No amount of external reassurance and support would help me. Life seemed unbearable. That is when this poem came as a download from the soul. It told me who I am – an ancient tree with […]

Nurturing healing and growth in parent-child relationships

Trigger warning: Has mention of different types of abuse perpetrated by parents and explores the severe consequences it can have on the child. Please read with caution. Anandmai Kumar Unveiling the Hidden Damage Here’s an excerpt from a conversation that I overheard between a parent of a teenager (P1) and his middle-aged colleague (P2).  P1: […]

A piece of home

Having her parents in her ‘grown-up environment’ for a visit was a complete bliss Sukriti Taneja At one point in our lives, we have all experienced the adrenaline rush of racing back to our parents after spending considerable time apart. Be it a school field trip or visiting home on a college/work break, it is […]

Pure gold, this one

Goldfish is a sensitive movie, marked by brilliant performances! Director: Pushan KripalaniCast: Deepti Naval, Kalki Koechlin, Rajit KapurCinematography: Pushan KripalaniDuration: 105 minutesIANS rating: 3 and a half stars Arnab Banerjee A beautifully written scene in which a daughter who is preparing her mother to go to a home care, drapes a saree around her mother’s […]

Triumphing over our bad inner voices

Heartfelt advice from someone who learnt how to quieten the voices Ananya Prasad Most of us, since the moment in our early childhood when we gain consciousness of our thoughts, usually around the age of 3-5 years, start to function around the backdrop of a murmuring stream of thoughts that run along inside our minds […]

There is always hope

How intervention helped a young woman manage her bipolar Dr Anand Prakash Srivastava Since childhood, Meeta* felt that she had no identity of her own. Everyone knew her as Mohit’s sister. It’s not that Mohit had achieved great success in school while Meeta lagged behind. Mohit was not only a champion in academics but also […]

ऐसे बूढ़े पेड़ जिनकी छाँव के नीचे छोटे पौधे उगते हैं 

ज़िंदगी में जब चारों तरफ़ अंधेरा ही अंधेरा होता है, उस वक़्त झुरियों वाले हाथ प्यार और उम्मीद कि टॉर्च लिए खड़े होते हैं हर्षित सिंह मेरा जन्म 2001 में हुआ है। पुराना ज़माना, रहन सहन क्या होता था वो मैंने देखा तो नहीं था मगर हाँ मैंने जिया ज़रूर है। हमारी पीढ़ी टेक्नोलॉजी से इतना जुड़ चुकी है की अब उसको ख़ुद के लिए भी वक़्त नहीं मिलता, अक्सर आपने देखा होगा एक छोटा बच्चा आपसे ज़्यादा आपके मोबाइल के बारे में जानता होगा और दिन भर उसी में लगा रहता होगा, अब दोस्त कम बनते है, पढ़ाई भी ऑनलाइन हो जाती है, इत्यादि। ये कैसी भागती दौड़ती ज़िंदगी है? मगर ऐसी ज़िंदगी में भी आपको धीमी गति वाली ज़िंदगी जीना सिखाते है आपके दादा दादी।  असल परवरिश  परिवार में असल परवरिश की एक अहम भूमिका वो निभाते है। जो आप उनसे सीख सकते है वो दुनियाँ में कहीं और नहीं सीख सकते।  मैं बचपन से अपने घर से दूर रहा हूँ मगर फिर भी अगर घर में मैंने सबसे ज़्यादा  किसी के साथ वक़्त बिताया है तो वो मेरे दादा दादी ही हैं। स्कूल में किताबी दुनियाँ देखी, पर उनके साथ असल दुनियाँ। स्कूल में फ़ार्मूले और पहाड़े याद किए, तो घर में उनके साथ ज़िंदगी को जीने के तजुर्बे। अपने मम्मी पापा से ज़्यादा मैं उनसे जुड़ा था, मुझे इस बात पर गर्व है।  एक समान और कहीं ना कहीं हम सभी के दादा दादी एक जैसे होते है। एक जैसा प्यार और बातें करते हैं। नानी की बातें उनकी कहानियाँ ना जाने कैसे एक सी ही जान पड़ती हैं।  मैंने अपनी नानी और दादी दोनों से अध्यात्म को सीखा, आडंबर ढोंग और असल में पूजा पाठ क्या है वो सीखा। बचपन से ही मैं आध्यात्मिक कहानियाँ सुनता आया हूँ। बड़े बड़े संत फ़क़ीरों को पढ़ना अब शुरू किया है, पर मेरी दादी नानी सब पहले ही सुना चुके हैं।  सारी सुविधाओं के बाद भी कम में गुज़ारा करना क्या होता है, आत्मनिर्भर होना कितना ज़रूरी है, प्रकृति से प्रेम, जानवरों की सेवा, प्यार को खुल कर दिखाना, सकारात्मकता से जुड़े रहना, हमें वो ही सिखाते हैं। शायद माँ बाप ये सीख बाद में देते हैं।  मैंने उन से अपनत्व सीखा और ये भी सीखा की कोई अगर आपको समय ना भी दे पा रहा हो फिर भी उनसे उतना ही प्यार करना मुमकिन है।  बिना शर्त प्रेम (unconditional love) यही तो है।  बहुत कुछ सीखा उनसे अगर आपने कभी मुझे स्टेज पर सुना हो तो आप मेरी कहानियों में मेरे दादा दादी नाना नानी का ज़िक्र ज़रूर पाओगे क्यूकी मैंने उनसे सब कुछ सीखा है। ख़ुद को प्यार करना भी उन्हीं से सीखा है। आज की पीढ़ी को इसी परवरिश की सबसे ज़्यादा ज़रूरत है।  जितना मुमकिन है अपने दादा दादी,  नाना नानी के साथ वक़्त बिताओ। वो जो परवरिश देंगे यक़ीन मानिए आज उसी की सीबीएसई को ज़्यादा ज़रूरत है।  उन्होंने वक़्त नहीं ज़माने को बदलते हुए देखा है। एक जगह पर बैठे हुए प्रकृति को बदलते हुए देखा है।  जब वो नहीं रह जाएँगे आपको बहुत याद आयेंगे। सब कुछ होगा पर वो नहीं होंगे। इसी लिये उनकी कहानियों क़िस्सों को अपने साथ बांध लीजिए क्योंकि वो हमेशा साथ होंगें जब आप दुखी होंगे। अपनी परवरिश की मुस्कान वो ना हो कर भी आपको दे जाएँगे।  अब जब भी कोई बुरा कर्म करता हूँ तो मेरे दादा दादी कि तस्वीर मेरी आँखों के सामने आ जाती है और मैं रुक जाता हूँ।  जब कोई अच्छा कर्म करता हूँ तब भी मेरे दादा दादी की तस्वीर आँखों के सामने आ जाती है और मैं मुस्कान के साथ वो कर देता हूँ।

Mindful eating for children

Rashmi Bhatia Let us agree we are all leading hectic lives and it isn’t easy to make sure children are eating healthy. Distractions have shifted attention away from the actual act of eating towards televisions, computers, smartphones, IPads, social media, Instagram, etc. Eating has become a mindless act, often done quickly. Packaged food, processed food, […]

Sunday parenting

Learning the new ropes of parenting when your child is in hostel Anshu Arora I am in a long-distance relationship. With my daughter. The biggest need of any relationship is continuous connection. When a teenage child moves away to a boarding school, where parent connection time is one hour every Sunday, surely the continuous connection […]

Parenting through the four Purusharthas

Shital Ravi The concept of Purushartha, a word made by joining two words ‘purusha and artha’, delineates the ‘intrinsic purpose or goals of an individual or self’. Let us not confuse ‘purusha’ used here as ‘man’ as we commonly use in our Indian languages. Purusha here denotes the self, and is gender neutral in this […]