Nursing sporting dreams back to health

From helping them to concentrate better, to developing resilience and channelising energies well, there is so much sport does for children Sharad Kohli Photo: RODNAE Production/ As a child coming to grips with the delights of sport, there’s little more satisfying than pitching the perfect leg-break or finding the bat’s sweet spot; or, connecting ball […]

It’s never too late to heal

Photo: Puwadon Sang-ngern/ Imagine a five-year-old enjoying their growing years (oblivious of the complexities of the world and the intentions of those around), trying to absorb as much as possible, learning as much as offered, going with the flow of life, full of curiosity and then suddenly there is a jolt/halt. The child does not […]

“I did not divorce my daughter”

Divorce is not an easy decision to take, especially when there is a child involved. But sometimes it is crucial for everyone’s well-being. So how does one strike a balance and give the child the love she/he deserves despite the parents getting separated? Here is how to do it with grace and respect. Anshu Arora […]

Riding two boats

How does a child deal with a parent’s divorce? Is there a better way of helping the child ease into it? Of course, there is. Seema Kumar My parents’ divorce came through when I had just passed out of school and taken admission in first year of college. I didn’t even know that my mother […]